Uniquely Creative Memories
Feb 27, 2022Remembering EMC Advanced Class
An insight into the Mastermind Experience
"When I think of my EMC Advanced Class experience, I always remember the fantastic time I had spent in Bruges in the autumn, surrounded by designers from so many countries, as we worked our way through the wonderful classes taught by Tomas de Bruyne; the fabulous trip to The Louvre in Paris to choose our paintings to inspire us for the nerve-wracking exams at the end of the week; and on to the unbelievable feeling as we all successfully graduated in the beautiful City Hall in Bruges; before separating and going our own ways to take what we had learnt and put it into practise in whatever way we chose.
Wonderful memories, such an opportunity, and a realisation that we could do whatever we wanted as long as we believed in giving our creativity free rein. How I long to be back amidst those wonderful,
heightened emotions." Sara Marie Andrews, EMC
All of us who have are now an #emcdesigner from the European Master Certification each had a very different, unique and intricately beautiful experience during the Advanced Class, in Brugge, no matter when we graduated. Yet, somehow, all of us certainly do have one common thing to say about that experience: IT WAS LIFE-CHANGING!
Such amazing experiences are unique, first and foremost, through the personal development and creative growth that one feels when presented with fantastic challenges and great opportunities to learn. Being part of a creative group of people, bringing together different personalities, from different background, all speaking the same common language of elements and principles of design is a perfect environment for genuine creative personal growth.
Frequently, the EMC alumni speak of their experience as a milestone to boost not only their creativity, but also their confidence level, as well. As we look back on the first 10 years of EMC providing education to almost 200 graduates, we wanted to create a new experience for our alumni that still would encapsulate parts of the transformation that only comes from the Advanced Course!
As we thrive in this new era of design, creativity and attitude are paramount to creating consciously, and one of the key points on the EMC contribution to the floral industry is focused on encouraging designers to become conscious creatives.
"By far, the most important skill for success in the 21st century, creativity must become the most active virus nowadays. And it does not refer only to design, it expands to everything we do, as that is how we truly grow." Tomas de Bruyne, lead instructor at EMC
As The Mastermind Experience has already opened for registration, EMC was thrilled to see that some of our alumni have immediately jumped to the occasion of re-living and re-experiencing the creative joy in the beautiful city of Brugge. We're happy to share with you some insight into how they see this event and what determined them to join as so swiftly.
"I am so excited that I have taken this marvellous opportunity to renew, refresh and grow amongst this wonderful group of designers with similar mindsets. Some of them I will already know, I am sure, but I am so thrilled that I may meet some of the international alumni whose designs and creativity I have admired but whom I have never met; and the first occasion on which we will be together is at the fantastic, floral extravaganza that is Fleuramour! What a way to start! I don’t need to say anything about how I feel about the two days of coaching, tuition, and encouragement from Tomas – every conscious creative’s dream. Then to Paris. I am so excited by the thought of yet another chance to create a design inspired by a beautiful piece of art – I just hope that I can do it justice this time. This was a big learning curve for me in my exam.
I believe that Christi and Tomas have thought of everything that can make this whole experience be the most rewarding and exciting time for all of the participants, as they have even built in time for social gatherings in superb surroundings, amongst wonderful designers who are already conscious creatives but are still challenging themselves to grow and discover even more about themselves and their abilities. I shall be so proud to be one of them and to be able to experience this for myself." Sara Marie Andrews, EMC
“Since the day I left Belgium I’ve been wanting to go back. The entire EMC experience was an eye opening to say the least, very educational and invigorating. I learned so much, I had such growth… but felt like I nearly scratch the surface of what’s possible. So when EMC announced the Mastermind experience for alumni, I didn’t even need to think if this would be an event to attend. I’ve been thinking, wanting, no, actually craving this FOR SEVERAL YEARS. It is here now and happening, how could I not be part of it!!! I’m so ready for new creative burst! Can’t wait! ❤️" Anahit Hakobyan CFD AIFD EMC

This Experience offers a different approach to visit and expand on your creativity.
You’ll join with the EMC students for two most impactful days of in-class teaching and hands-on designing with Tomas in the Advanced Class to get that renewed excitement; as well as a full day Mastermind experience with Tomas and Christi where your creativity is put to a new challenge.
Now, as an Alumni, you’ve gotten more familiar with the design process, right? Tomas will go even deeper in analysing and giving insight in YOUR creative process with tips and tricks, as well talk about your personal CREATIVE DNA and where you can focus to work on to make your signature style even more visible.
Are you still thinking about it? What is holding you back from signing up for this fantastic experience? This is an opportunity of a lifetime to spend precious hours with fellow designers exploring their levels of conscious creativity; and their ability to produce exceptional designs based on the knowledge gathered through being EMC alumni. We hope to hear many stories of your experiences gained during your time completing your Advanced course and what you have done since. Do you have your own signature style now? Have you kept in touch with the others that graduated at the same time as you? Can you renew friendships by joining others on the Mastermind Experience? Will participation in the Mastermind Experience assist with building your business?
So many things to consider and we hope that you will come to the decision to join us in Belgium, and really look forward to seeing all of you again as there is so much to look forward to. You've unlocked your creativity! Let's continue together to unleash your creative mind with the Mastermind Experience!
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