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Experiencing Art

emc core program emc designer floral design floral education inspiration techniques and mechanics Jul 15, 2024

Floral Creativity Unleashed

EDGE fanzine - ART is available 

We are thrilled to announce the release of the 5th edition of EDGE Fanzine by EMC, hitting digital shelves July 15, 2024. This edition delves deep into the captivating world of floral art, exploring the many ways flowers can be used as a powerful medium of artistic expression.

Art has the power to profoundly touch us, as it is an intrinsic part of what it means to be human. As we stand before a work of art, we are not just observers; we become participants in an emotional dialogue, whether conscious or unconscious. Floral art, in particular, embodies pure creativity and expression. When we talk about art, the emphasis is on the experience rather than the outcome. Engaging with flowers in a sort of dialogue allows the arrangement to evolve almost organically. This meditative process connects us with nature and lets us express our inner world, resulting in unrepeatable works of art.

Conversely, floral design is driven by purpose and concept. It is a discipline grounded in functionality, where the designer begins with a clear objective and works towards achieving it. Whether the goal is to enhance a space, convey a message, or meet a client's expectations, the floral designer operates within well-defined parameters. This structured and deliberate approach does not diminish creativity but channels it more effectively.

There is room for both art and design to coexist within the work of the same florist. Art encourages experimentation, while design builds confidence in practical solutions that work. This synergy supports the notion that both endeavors are essential to floral creativity.

The 5th edition of EDGE Fanzine explores the essential role of floral art as a form of creative expression. It examines how we can learn from art in general and the unique journey that the floral art way takes us on. 

EDGE Fanzine is a free collection for creatives in motion, aimed at reaching dynamic floral designers worldwide who wish to enrich their inspirational sources and grow creatively in a conscious manner. Each issue of EDGE focuses on a topic of interest, providing useful information, intriguing visuals, and comprehensive insights.

Let Us Inspire You!

Introducing the EDGE Fanzine collection – the ultimate source of inspiration for designers seeking to elevate their creativity to new heights. With each issue, we offer a fresh perspective on the world of design, providing innovative ideas, meaningful content, and the latest trends in the industry.

With EDGE Art you will immerse yourself in the artful world of floral design. Whether you're a seasoned designer or a budding creative, this edition promises to inspire and elevate your floral artistry to new heights. Join us in exploring the boundless potential of floral art. For more information and to access the latest edition, visit our website



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