Conscious Creativity brought to action
Aug 03, 2021Challenge Yourself!
The EMC Community, a place to challenge and inspire you!
A community dedicated to uplifting the floral designer to a conscious creative is so necessary nowadays. We have so many groups on social media where pictures of floral works are placed, most of them being nothing but an image, without context. Rarely people explain what they did, where din the idea come from, why was it done and analysing their work from a professional perspective.
Flowers are emotions, yes! yet us, as designers and florists, we need to be able to detach a little from these emotions and evaluate our work with a distance and from a conscious mindset. Communication within a closed group is a great opportunity to create such a community and we open up towards all professionals who desire to grow and learn more about, ultimately, creativity.
EMC Conscious Creative Community promotes the idea that we have to take our design level to new heights by expanding our education and mindset around floral design elevates all of us. This is why we have come up with a monthly challenge for all members of the Conscious Creative Community of EMC, which is really super easy to join. All you have to do is look up the link above and answer the two questions we require and you're in!
Yves Moetmans - winner of the CC Challenge
"From my point of view I think challenge is the right name for the experience. Each one of us sometimes need to challenge ourselves to think different, not to do our daily comfortable job but to think about possibilities to make a simple design more attractive by playing with opposites, tension and so on. It always pays off when you have a plan before you start your design, you win in terms of time, accessories and even flowers used, but gain greatly in visual impact and added value."
Join us for our monthly Conscious Creative Challenge.
The Conscious Challenge purpose is to help you by bringing out your ability to inspire you to look beyond the ordinary and make it extraordinary.
At the beginning of every month we will give you an inspiration or a task to create and then participants submit their challenges open for the community to see and comment upon. Feedback and questions are encouraged as communicating specifically on each element can only help other grow as well. Florists take on this conscious challenge to help them and others understand the creative process as a conscious creative, as a challenge first and foremost with themselves, rather than with others.
Kat Castagnoli AIFD, CCF - winner of the CC Challenge
I have truly enjoyed participating in the monthly EMC Conscious Creative Challenges! They have pushed me to really think outside the box and try new and different techniques. As florists, we don't always take the time to just sit, play and be creative with flowers, and these challenges help us do exactly that. I always love seeing everyone’s interpretation of that month’s challenge and of course, seeing who wins as well! I am proud that I won the #ccmay challenge and was able to take advantage of the EMC Go Live Integration event because of it. I l am definitely looking forward to participating in more Conscious Creative Challenges in the future!
We challenge you to focus on the insight of the creative process
Our goal is to encourage you to cultivate your ability to learn, motivate and activate.
The Conscious Creative Community of EMC hosts this monthly challenge where we encourage designers to be active and constantly work on their creativity and their growth. Analysing, reviewing and discussing our work among other professionals in a closed Facebook group is a great opportunity to learn from each other and constantly improve our techniques and creative skills. At the end of each month, Tomas de Bruyne goes live, together with one of the EMC Program coaches to analyse and discuss the winning design. It's a great opportunity to receive direct feedback for your work and you also get invited on the live session to discuss the creative process behind it. How cool is that?
Ana Grigoras - winner of the CC Challenge
"I love this monthly challenges! I think they are a great opportunity to exercise a way of consciously thinking about the desired outcome and all the creative steps that I need to take in order to achieve it.
Besides that, for me it’s a personal challenge to experiment with materials, to learn new techniques, to exercise old ones, and to combine them in order to create something new and unique. Also, they are a great way to build up a strong community of passionate designers that want to grow in their knowledge and skills. It’s wonderful to see every month the work of my colleagues and to try to analyse their designs according to the EMC elements and principles of design. This made me even more conscious about the entire designing process.
For me these monthly challenges are a wonderful way of staying connected with this amazing community of floral artists and enjoying beauty and flowers together with my peers in a conscious way that help us all grow and learn from each other and most of all from Tomas, who is an amazing professor."
Laura Draghici - winner of CC Challenge
"I like very much that I have the chance to meet with Tomas and the EMC team, and that my design is analysed by them and seen by all my colleagues. Receiving feedback from them is very important for me, as this is a great way to learn new things and to evolve. The fact that a world-known designer like Tomas de Bruyne analyses my work makes me feel very proud of my work, even if I am not such a famous designer. The live feedback sessions are an amazing personal experience, yet shared with the entire community! I like competitions and whether I win or not, participating in these challenges is an evolution for me."
Do you want to be actively creative and explore the consciousness behind your design process? Join our Community now!
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