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From Louvre to Floral Design

emc alumni emc core program emc designer floral design floral education inspiration Jul 23, 2024

Interpreting Art 

Advanced Course of EMC exam piece inspired by a painting

Art offers a range of learning opportunities for the floral designer based on the recognition that they are both unique genres of creativity. Unique in their own way but able to convey emotions through the use of differing techniques and visual medium to portray their creator’s message to the viewer. Being able to recognise the thought and work that has gone into the production of a piece of art enables the floral designer to investigate their own abilities to convey thought, planning and emotion into their designs, raising them to a higher level of conscious creativity; and that is why the Art Interpretation piece has become an integral element of the final exam on the Advanced course. 

There is a great deal that the floral designer can learn from art, appreciating the artists, their skills, their knowledge, their techniques, and their creativity. A pillar of the EMC Advanced Course is this notion of learning the art of communicating emotions by getting inspiration from the best artists the world produce. It is why part of the examination includes travelling to Louvre, Paris and choosing a painting as a source of inspiration. Once the designer has chosen their inspiration piece, they are encouraged to research the artist so that they can understand the historical and creative background in which the artwork has been completed.

One particular area of the painter’s world that the designer can learn so much from is the use of symbolism, iconography and meaning conveyed within the piece of art. This can also include knowledge of different cultures and traditions, ensuring that within the creativity the designer is showing, they can also acknowledge what is happening in the world around them, and the trends that are occurring. Their designs can become a form of time capsule to carry their messages to the onlooker, as has happened in art throughout the centuries. It is also possible for floral designers to learn from artists how to use their craft and techniques to express a great range of emotions, from joy and celebrations, such as new babies, weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries; to sadness and remembrance, with sympathy and funeral tributes that express the loss and unhappiness and convey the condolences.

The art interpretation piece provides those taking their EMC Advanced Course the opportunity to transform a 2D piece of art into a 3D floral design and, to do this, they use the knowledge gained in making a collage representative of the artwork on which to create their design. This enables them to understand the spatial awareness used in the original picture, in the form of depth, perspective and scale and translate these elements into their own composition. 

By studying the emotions conveyed by the artist, carrying them through in their collage and then into their floral piece, the students become able to create designs that resonate on a different level, conveying the same feelings or ideas of the original artist. It allows them to expand their creative perspectives and create truly unique and beautiful floral arrangements inspired by the world of art.

Comprehending the elements and principles used by the artist enables the designer to appreciate the cultural and historical context of the piece of art, as well as gaining deeper insight into the artist’s intentions and the emotional impact it conveys. In interpreting a piece of art and being inspired by it, the designer may encounter creative challenges that require innovative solutions. By using their knowledge and understanding of the Elements and Principles of design, they can problem-solve the challenges, using a clear system and mindset, which enables them to reach the desired outcome. This is where the necessity for analysing the use of the elements and principles by the artist becomes essential in enabling the designer to reconstruct them in a similar format within their collage before committing themselves to their own design and raising their personal level of conscious creativity to new heights.

Art offers floral designers wonderful learning opportunities in terms of colour theory, composition, texture, symbolism, emotional expression, and creative inspiration. Being given the opportunity to study art and gain inspiration from it during the EMC Advanced course, floral designers can enhance their skills and create pieces reflecting the knowledge they have gained, with the appreciation that interpretation of art, creative freedom, differing emotional responses, technical skills, culture, and personal influences, add richness and depth to the creative process and the ability to produce unique, personal floral designs.

Diving into Art as a source of inspiration for floral designers, the 5th edition of the EDGE Fanzine of EMC focuses on precisely this theme. You will find inspiration within over 200 pages of quality images and insightful texts. Get your free copy here!

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